Best podcasts for 40 and 50 somethings

Best podcasts for 40 and 50 somethings

Female led podcasts you need to listen to now

There are literally hundreds of thousands of podcasts available now. Every tiny niche interest is catered for. Interested in Christian crowd-funded rock bands? There’s a podcast for you. Love the Mighty Duck films? There’s a podcast for you. Passionate about the solar industry? There’s a podcast for you. 

But what are the best podcasts for 40 and 50 somethings if you’re just looking for something to keep you company on a long drive, remind you of who you used to be when you had no responsibilities or distract you while you’re loading laundry? 

#1 Midlife Mixtape with Nancy Davis Kho. Best for music lovers.

There’s a lot of music in my house but it’s mainly Jess Glynne and Demi Lovato at full blast coming from my daughter’s bedroom. Nancy Davis Kho, the host of Midlife Mixtape, describes her show as “for the years between being hip and breaking one” and asks her guests to share the playlist of their life. 

Not only are her interviews genuine and down to earth but the continual reference back to songs of her youth and the youth of her guests brings you back to your own musical awakening in the 70s and 80s and dipping in to the 90s. 

As a 40-something podcast listener, the show is refreshing and cool and reminds me of who I am when I’m not mum-ing and working to pay the rent. 


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#2 The Sheri and Nancy Show. Best for general life enhancement

Hosts Sheri and Nancy say there are 8 pillars to a happy life - health and wellness, spirituality and happiness, romance and sex, friends and family, creativity and innovation, adventure and discovery, sanctuary and beauty and money and abundance. 

In their show they talk about these 8 pillars and work out, with their guests how to live a ‘Pillar Life”. 

Clearly best friends this is a great podcast for 40 and 50 somethings because, unlike many shows hosted by buddies, you feel included. I don’t want to feel like an interloper at a party that got going before I arrived and with the Sheri and Nancy Show I immediately felt like they were welcoming me in to their little world. 





#3 A Brilliant Gamble with Blaire Palmer. Best for midlife corporate escapees

Oh, hang on. That’s me! But before you scroll down, A Brilliant Gamble is a great podcast for 40 and 50 somethings who are fed up of the rat race, the 9-5, working for the man and feeling life might be passing them by. 

Not only do I share my tales of selling up and fulltime traveling with my daughter and dogs in 2018 but each week I interview lovely people who’ve turned their back on conventional working life and found a way to earn a living doing something they love in midlife. Not only are they role models but they share their practical tips for making a success of your new venture, really embracing your new life and adapting to the realities of life outside corporate world. 

I also share my experiences and insights as an entrepreneur for 20 years juggling single-motherhood, pets, running a household, running a business and 20 chickens. 




#4 3 girls, 1 Keith. Best for laughs.

This is a rather risque choice but you ladies are grown up enough to handle it. 

Amy Schumer has a podcast and it’s as irreverant and funny as you would expect. Along with Bridget Everett, Rachel Feinstein and Keith Robinson, these friends tackle a broad range of topics from money to confidence, ego to love and a bunch of things I can’t write down here without a lot of asterisks. 

Best listened to on headphones out of reach of young children, this podcast will remind you of all the edge, sass and rudeness you’re capable of and that you’ve maybe lost touch with along the way. Not for pearl-clutchers. 



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#5 The Guilty Feminist. Best for guilty feminists.

If you want real, honest life stories and debate about what it means to be a women today, The Guilty Feminist is for you. Comedian Deborah France-White and her guests tackle topics which cause us feminists difficulty...not because we disagree but because actually living like a feminist is HARD. 

You’ll get high profile guests like Emma Thompson, up and coming women and plenty of topical issues explored through the lens of womanhood. Lovely to hear funny ladies being themselves for laughs. 





Your recommendations for best podcasts for 40 and 50 somethings

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