Posts in Personal development
Can You Make a Living Doing What You Love?

Yes. Maybe you were looking for a more involved answer? Let me make this clear -  you can make a living doing what you love. We know this because there are people out there making a living doing what they love.

There are many reasons you may find yourself at a crossroads, where your dreams of doing something else stop being an idle fantasy and start to become an escape plan. We all have days where we entertain the thought of doing something else like moving to a remote island and living off the land, But, for some of us, we get to the point where the longing and musing stops and we get out the calculator. This is the first “make or break” moment on the journey.

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What’s Stopping You Leaving Your Corporate Job?

There are two types of obstacle to doing anything new in life - Practical Obstacles and Emotional/Mindset Obstacles.

The practical obstacles are the ones we tend to focus on and then there are the Emotional or Mindset Obstacles. These will be beliefs or ‘truths’, often things we say to ourselves privately, about ourselves or about the world.

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